Although eye floaters can develop in young people, they tend to occur more often as people age.Previously, there were only invasive, potentially risky surgical methods used in the treatment of eye floaters. An extreme measure used to treat eye floaters is called a Vitrectomy, in which the vitreous humor is actually removed and replaced with a synthetic solution.
Another extreme procedure used in the treatment of eye floaters is Laser Vitreolysis, in which the eye floaters are literally burned off of the eye.Not only are each of these procedures risky, they are extremely expensive, and can cause many complicated, serious sided effects such as cataracts, permanent blind spots, retinal detachment, and severe infections of the eye that could ultimately lead to blindness.
Today, there is a natural, step by step system available that will help you get rid of your eye floaters without facing extreme surgical procedures. Eye Floaters No More is a system that offers you the knowledge to be able to eliminate or significantly decrease the number of annoying eye floaters you experience, and can help to prevent the development of further eye floaters. With Eye Floaters No More, you can do this from the safety and convenience of your own home, without the ridiculously expensive surgical procedures and the risk of their harmful side effects.